By clicking on the links, users are sent to the advertisers' websites or to pages dedicated to conversion "landing pages". Links from paid referencing SEA for “Search Engine Advertising” are almost identical to so-called “organic” links which result from natural referencing SEO for “Search Engine Optimization”. We find a similar structure: URL, title in blue, description, possibly metadata. Only two elements make it possible to make the distinction: Their location above and below organic results.
The indication “announcement” which precedes them. This relationship between the two types of links is the result of voluntary evolution. Until , Google AdWords links were identified by their colored background and by bolding the BTB Directory title. Since then, each modification has contributed to bringing them closer together formally, such as bringing together all the links on the left part of the SERP. The result is some confusion among Internet users: only % of users know how to distinguish a Google Ads link from an organic link Varn,.
Let's finish this presentation with some figures: More than % of businesses use Google Ads for their CPC “cost per click” campaigns. People are four times more likely to click on advertising links on Google than on any other advertising platform. Users who visit a website after clicking on a Google Ads link are twice as likely to make a purchase as those who do not. Google Ads campaigns display an average ROI ofto€ generated for each euro invested.