Therefore, consult your e-commerce management system documentation or your development team to standardize your meta tags. Remember to include the most important keyword on the page in them. 4. Optimize your website elements Talking about optimization also involves thinking about compressing your pages' resources, such as source code and images. An e-commerce that is too “heavy” harm your sales.
Scan your website for bottlenecks that are compromising your loading spe. You can use Google's own PageSpe Insights to do this Pitcairn Email List check. 5. Implement converting landing pages The best way to enhance your results is by optimizing your visitor's path to your offer. Black Friday serves as a great excuse to lower prices and attract customers, but you ne the right mechanisms to bring this audience closer to your products.
Creating landing pages is a great method for this, as they have the sole purpose of including the visitor in your lead base and pointing them to the offer they are looking for. This allows you to increase your conversion rate and build an audience to be impact later. Start implementing your SEO strategy for Black Friday now Black Friday has the potential to significantly increase your e-commerce cash flow, as long as the right audience is impact by your marketing campaigns.