Right off the bat, you’ll want to name your variant (in the example below I’ve cleverly named my variant “Name of Ad Variant.” Do yourself a favor: use a name that explicitly refers to your test, that way you know what you’re looking at): adwords ad variations set variant details From there, you’re going to need to assign a start date and an end date for your variation. Start with a timeframe of at least two weeks to give your ads time to accrue some impressions. Simple enough, right? Finally, we come to the “Experiment Split” section. This is the final field before setting your new ad variation live. It refers to the percentage of your campaign budget that’s “allocated to your variation and the percentage of auctions your variation is eligible to participate in.
If you only want to conduct an experiment with a small subset of your advertising Benin WhatsApp Number budget (which may be the case if you’re testing something outlandish or are particularly budget-sensitive), adjust your split accordingly. Once assigned, click “Create Variation” and kick back (or, you know, get back to your normal routine optimization). In terms of gauging the performance of your ad variation, the interface in which you created your experiment now doubles as a hub for analyzing its results. It allows you to see clicks, impressions, CTR, cost, and average CPC: more than enough information to determine whether or not your new copy’s a keeper.

Adwords ad variation results Finally, if you deem the results of your ad variation successful enough to actually replace your existing ads, click “Apply”… apply adwords ad variants To bring up the “Apply Variation” interface… apply adwords ad variations application settings From here, you’re given a full breakdown of your ad variation (what kind of experiment you’ve been running how many ads were impacted) and three potential courses of action: Pause original ads and create new ads with this variation ***Remove original ads and create new ads with this variation*** [AVOID ME] Keep original ads and create new ads with this variation Don’t choose the second one. Ever. Your old ads are valuable: they have historic data! Don’t delete them. You can pause them and replace them with your winning ad variation or run them simultaneously for a true split-test.