With just a few clicks, everyone has access to a wealth of information and entertainment at their fingertips. Especially consuming information that can be done faster than old media such as newspapers, radio or even television. Internet media helps people not fall out of trend. and daily life is more convenient than in the past in many ways However, because the world of the internet is so vast, there are loopholes that allow bad actors to use it as a channel to commit various types of wrongdoing quickly and easily. In addition, some internet users may not yet .
Understand that the online world is also Just like the real world, there is the word copy America Cell Phone Number List right to protect what is called copyright. Intellectual property is the same, and if there is copyright infringement, whether intentional or unintentional, we may be the perpetrators without knowing it. Therefore, today we will delve deeper into the issue of copyright in the online world, its importance, and various issues. That everyone should be aware about actions that are considered copyright infringement online. list of contents What is copyright in the online world? Is the website protected by copyright? be careful! Unknowingly violating copyright WHAT IS COPYRIGHT IN THE ONLINE WORLD?

What is copyright in the online world? What is copyright in the online world? In the age of the internet where information flows freely. As well as the use of creativity is limitless, copyright or Copyright therefore needs to play a role in protecting the rights of creators and content owners. Copyright in the online world is a complex issue and still has many misunderstandings. But anyone who creates or uses digital content needs to have a basic understanding of this. Why is it important? And how does it affect both creators and consumers? Copyright protection on the internet is giving the author or owner of the original work the right to prevent others from copying or claiming the original work as their own, which covers everything that falls into various categories. Such as literature, drama, music, art, architecture and other intellectual works.