Central Statistical Office report Over recent years, the pace of technology development has increased dramatically. The emergence of new breakthrough innovations (disruptive innovations) can be observed more and more often. This is largely due to the emergence and development of Industry . technologies and solutions. Also known as the fourth industrial revolution, Industry . is a concept initiated in Germany in and implemented years later.
Along with its phenomenon, many similar concepts have been created, such as the Japanese the Chinese "Chinese Manufacturing " or the American "Industry Connected. Smart Manufacturing Leadership Coalition". These are examples of initiatives by countries that are leaders in terms photo retouching of development and industry. However, how do Industry . solutions and technologies relate to the Polish economy, and to what extent are they supported and used? In order to understand these relationships and facilitate future analysis and research of Polish enterprises in this respect, research was carried out on the degree of adaptation of selected enterprises to the economic requirements posed by Industry.

The methodology and the entire research were carried out by the Central Statistical Office and presented in the report. Both the basic concepts, ideas and solutions of Industry . , as well as a description of the methodology, analysis of results and recommendations of the research unit were taken into account. An important aspect was also the recognition of trends emerging in individual markets. This allows you to understand what a given economy focuses on, what it lacks and to what extent it uses the potential of Industry . solutions. Digital transformation in the European Union – framework support programs The European Union's interest in the Industry.