Language of their linkedin profile. profile language search filter Use this filter with caution because many people select English as their primary language even if they speak another language language profile filter . Connection Of This feature will display all the connections you have in common with someone. connection of filter sales navigator You can leverage that to get warm introductions to people you just added to your network.
School Looking to network with your alumni or recruit people seo expate bd from the best schools in your country? The School filter is perfect for that need. school search filter sales navigator Now that we covered how to use linkedin sales navigator lead search filters. Let’s get to the account search filters. Linkedin Sales Navigator Accounts Search Filters There are types of account filters on Sales Navigator to find accounts: Keyword Filter Company.
Attributes Filters Spotlights Filters Workflow Filters . Keyword Fitler You can find the account keyword filter on top of your account search results. account keyword search filter The keyword filter will look into Overview and Specialities fields: accAnnual revenue Company headcount Company headcount growth Headquarters location Industry Number of followers Department headcount Department headcount growth Fortune Technologies used.