However, compared with other EU countries, Polish entrepreneurs show a pessimistic attitude in this regard. A small number of companies believe this will take about a year while many more believe they cannot currently indicate how long it will take. during the pandemic is undoubtedly very dynamic and unpredictable. An overwhelming majority of more than half of employers believe they will never return to pre-Cupid virus headcount numbers.
There is no doubt that the rather skeptical attitude of entrepreneurs is last database influenced by the moment when these sentiments are examined We face many constraints when running a business and tomorrow is extremely uncertain. Recent companies do not plan to restore employment to pre-epidemic levels. This is due to a variety of factors. Generally speaking, due to the uncertainty of the social situation, companies cannot predict whether they will be able to achieve similar production.

Levels or business scale. The situation described may also arise from the desire to find new solutions, for example through service automation. This situation may lead to increased unemployment among senior specialists. Companies that are experienced in recruiting large pools of human capital looking for jobs will start to become increasingly important. Another way to get through what will undoubtedly be a difficult period might be to take a path that saves costs without.