At the same time, you can often study the material for (asynchronous learning option). “The number of online MBAs offer in the world has almost doubl in 2021-2022,” notes Bulat Nureyev. — In 2020, the Skolkovo School transferr many of its programs online, in particular, 80% of corporate ones. Now after the pandemic restrictions, we see that listeners have a reasonable request for live face-to-face meetings.
Therefore, their choice again falls on offline or hybrid learning formats.” At in such a way that moible number data you can apply the knowlge gain in working projects. For example, in IMISP, for this, the ucational process, homework and the interaction of students with teachers and among themselves are built in a certain way. “We strive to encourage students as much as possible to immiately start applying or at least try to apply the acquir knowlge in the practice of their business,” says Yaroslav Pavlov, rector of IMIS.

According to Margarita Perepelitsa, Dean of the School of International Programs of the MBA FES RANEPA , the most popular will be business workshops, Motivate the student. Artificial intelligence recognizes when a student has problems with a particular module and offers him additional material on the desir topic, a simplifi track or a repetition of a previously studi topic. This technology is us in the Moscow Electronic School on the basis of the 01Mathematics project.