Sull and Spinosa consider that a promise is good if it has five specific characteristics. are public And it is that a good promise begins by making it publicly. Speaking in front of other people or bosses makes you try harder to keep the promise made. And it is that in addition to the promise itself, the public identity of the person who makes it is also at stake, something that makes the degree of commitment to the promise exceed.
On the other hand, public promises (and finally made) also play a very important role in the perception that people and customers have of the company: the corporation will give a higher image of transparency and commitment, which moible number data means an improvement in the collective imagination. are active For a promise to be good, it must emerge as the result of a negotiation, not a mechanical request. Conversations about orders.

Ower prices, promotions and counter offers are what give rise to good promises. they are voluntary And it is that an imposed promise will never be a good promise (and it is very possible that it will never be fulfilled). When organizations force people to accept imposed conditions, the commitment will be much less than if the person feels that their promises have arisen from an autonomous decision. In other words, an imposed yes is much less effective than a refusal accompanied by a counter offer.