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Between programmatic campaigns and RTB campaigns? RTB Real Time Bidding is one of the sales methods used when conducting programmatic campaigns. The bidding system works in real time. Once the user opens the selected website an advertising order is triggered in the appropriate format. Then the SSP Supply Side Platform analyzes all the offers received and sells the advertising space to the customer who paid the most. Everything happens in milliseconds. Compared to traditional marketing models the advertiser does not know where his ad will be displayed. However he is sure that the location will be optimally selected which will translate into increased interest in his offer .Quote: marketers value this solution for shortening the purchasing path Benefits of running advertising campaigns in a programmatic model What makes programmatic campaigns gain in popularity? Why do entrepreneurs and marketers Australia WhatsApp Number Data value them? Below we present the most important conclusions: High probability of conversion Programmatic advertising reaches the interested recipientwhich results from the use of advanced algorithms. Additionally the systems have extensive targeting functionsaccording to place of residence age interests. This allows you to tailor the product to a specific recipient. Automation of activities Ads are displayed automatically.
You just need to establish the necessary parameters and define your business goal. The algorithm itself finds the right place to broadcast the ad. This in turn translates into significant time savings although it does not relieve marketers from the obligation to analyze the effectiveness of implemented campaigns. Efficiently used budget Only those ads that have been displayed by the user are billed. This favors savings in the budget. A programmatic campaign allows you to generate highquality traffic on your company's website which in the long run translates into higher sales profits and allows for faster business development. Transparency of .