The company defines itself as a caring global medical network. This technological solution can generate a great impact on public health in health systems around the world, but not only that, it can help developing countries with serious resource limitations to gain access to data of great value to improve and accelerate medical diagnoses.In the words of Ignacio Hernandez Medrano CEO of Savana and according to his team's calculations, by , thanks to this Big Data technology, at leastof health professionals in developing countries will have access to this tool. Without a doubt, great news that suggests that it is not just about establishing a company and making it scalable.But about seeking social innovation and improving the quality Denmark WhatsApp Number Data of life of people internationally.Learn how to carry out a digitalization process in a companyI'm interested! BIG DATA AT THE DISPOSAL OF THE DEFENSE OF THE ENVIRONMENT Vizzuality is an open source collaborative tool that ensures the conservation of forests , for this they collect data in real time in order to detect illegal activities, prevent deforestation among other possibilities.This platform was presented at the annual Big Data for social good event organized by LUCA, Telefónica's data analysis unit, and from which we can extract other examples of interest .
DIGITAL EDUCATION IS THE EDUCATION OF THE FUTURE TO GENERATE EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES The Telefónica Foundation together with the “La Caixa” Banking Foundation are the promoters of the Profuturo project , which aims to bring digital education to the most disadvantaged populations . It is a project that incorporates new technologies as the basic axis of an inclusive educational model and aims to gradually incorporate other actors with the aim of creating an international teaching network.Currently and according to figures provided on the website, the project has already reached million boys and girls from countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia.