Over time. Types of loyalty programs
Loyalty programs in e-commerce are based on various mechanisms and principles. The most popular and easiest to implement are those that involve collecting points. The rule is simple: the more a customer spends, the more points he has . These can be echanged for prizes. Both online and offline companies use point programs. Brands available in both of these environments allow you to collect points for stationary and online purchases in one application. This solution is used, for eample, by the Mango clothing store.we-commerce-loyalty-programs Photo . The Mango likes you club loyalty program allows you to echange accumulated points for prizes in the form of discounts on purchases in the store. Source:shop.mangoplhelployaltyuseLikesbltecaab Brands that operate only online are also eager to use point loyalty programs. An eample is the fashion industry store - Drugi Reka, where every zloty spent meanspoints in the loyalty system. we-commerce-loyalty-programs Saudi Arabia WhatsApp Number Photo . Loyalty point programs are the most popular in e-commerce. They are used by both large and smaller brands. Source: drugareka.plprogram-lojalnosciowy It is also worth noting that customers can collect points not only for purchases . For eample, in the H&M Membership program they receive them for recycling clothes, while the Zalando Loyalty Program also awards them for writing reviews.
we-commerce-loyalty-programs Photo . Points in loyalty programs can be collected not only for purchases. An eample of innovative solutions is H&M Membership. Source: hmpl_plonakampaniemembers-pay-later-tutorial.html Other eamples of e-commerce loyalty programs are those based on offers. Under them, for registering purchases on a loyalty card, the customer receives access to discounts, vouchers or limited products. This type of loyalty program is used, among others, by: Sephora. In echange for purchases, it offers benefits .