Naturally, this is going to affect your spending.
Traditional display ads—the banner ads that most advertisers use, know, and love—aren’t going anywhere. These come in a variety of sizes, and making image creative that caters to Google’s specifications is quite a challenge for advertisers.Google Display Banner Ad SizesBanner ads are a staple of Display for many advertisers; fortunately, they’re not going anywhere.When we say “legacy” display ads, we’re talking about two ad types specifically .Smart display adsLegacy dynamic responsive Egypt Phone Number List template (Template ID: 491)If you’re using either of these ad formats in your campaigns, be on the lookout—this is where you’re accounts going to look a little different in the coming days.What exactly is changing?Per Google, advertisers that are using smart display ads or the legacy dynamic responsive template are going to see the following changes:“Starting November 2019, responsive display ads will replace legacy display ads in Google ads .
With this change, any campaigns running legacy display ads may stop serving unless there is an alternate display ad available in the campaign.”Simple enough, right? If you’re running any campaigns that solely utilize smart display ads or the legacy dynamic responsive template, or that mostly consist of these ad types, those campaigns are going to start underdelivering or pausing delivery altogether in November.