Algorithm has shifted to favor posts
Rush to worry about when it comes to social media metrics many social media platforms encourage keeping your engagement numbers up but thats truthfully more for their benefit than your brands regardless you should still keep an eye on your engagement metrics for algorithmic reasons platforms like instagram easily make these metrics available for you to view with the creation of a business profile saves its recently been reported that the instagram .That have a high number of saves rather than likes while its yet to be known if this is for certain or not saves are an important engagement metric to keep an eye on as when someone saves your post it usually means theyre intending to come Phone Number List back to it for reference or inspiration purposes with other social media platforms having a similar bookmarking feature saves might be the hidden metric that will allow your brand to grow to its full potential tags and mentions tags and mentions of your brand might be a little harder to track most social media platforms only notify you once when youve been tagged but .
Theyre a huge indication of how your brand is doing when people tag or mention your brand theyre spreading the word that you exist to their follower base which also expands your reach a person going out of their way to tag or mention your brand is a chance for meaningful engagement as you can respond to them and on platforms like instagram you can repost the story or post in which you were mentioned roi roi return on investment metrics are important if your brand is involved in sales or ecommerce or otherwise has its own website associated .