This occasion gives
Top Reasons to Get a Video Subscription Movies that take an in-depth look at the life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. Celebrate Hanukkah with these classic TV show episodes Follow Us Also from TV & Movie Spotlight Author Last Updated Year Month Day World Mental Health Day Shows that Most Accurately Depict Mental Illness Copy Link Photo Back by Cartoon Network World Mental Health Day is recognized globally on Month all the space we need to discuss and prioritize our mental health and mental illness.So how does popular entertainment weigh in on this discussion? It’s noFemale number secret that representation matters. If you want to know the exact numbers check out our in-depth coverage of representations of mental illness in film – these numbers apply to TV too. There is no doubt that seeing accurate and nuanced depictions of mental illness and disorders on screen not only helps people with these illnesses and disorders feel seen and less alone, but that this depiction of real-life experiences can serve as a building block for educating others.
A way to support your system and eliminate toxic emotions. With that in mind let’s take a look at some of the TV shows that have done justice to mental illness on the small screen over the past few years. This is not an exhaustive list by any means and these shows are not 100% correct. Still, we're glad to see everyone from Moon Knight to BoJack Horseman helping push the envelope. Editor's Note This article mentions various mental illnesses and mental health disorders and discusses how some of them are accurately portrayed and poorly represented in the media.